18 September 2001

Day Off. Thank You.

After the week we've had, and then the labor of a five-show weekend, I was sure glad to have yesterday off. Rather than sit at home and vege, I accompanied Aaron Posner in his search for a new car. Much of his attention ended up being focused on two cars, both at the same dealership... a 1996 Volkswagon Jetta, and a 1991 Saab Convertible. Both had much to recommend them... principally that he had enough in savings to buy them both outright and relieve himself of the burden of a car payment. It was fun to watch him wrangle with the car dealers, mostly 'cuz he's a person that has trouble deciding on his breakfast order, let alone choosing a car.

In the end he decided to sleep on the decision, and I found out today that he decided to go with neither. Turns out a friend of his is planning on getting rid of an old car, so he might go with that.

Today marked the seventh day since the attack on the World Trade Center, and I found that I just couldn't station myself in front of the television any more. I decided to get out and wander around the Rittenhouse Square area of the city, and eventually settled on treating myself to a nice lunch at Rouge, a rather expensive restaurant right on the square. I ended up eating rather late - around 4 p.m. - and allowed myself a glass of wine with my lunch/dinner (supper?), and after a quick stop back at Moira's (have I told you about Moira? she's the friend of Aaron's that I'm staying with since I got booted out of Actor Housing in favor of the Baby Case cast), I grabbed my stuff and headed out again - which is how I find myself in Washington Square park.

It feels good to be out in a communal setting again... I managed to arrive just in time for optimal dog-walking time, which is always a joy for me. Getting to see all those folks with their dogs brings back pleasant memories of Buster. I wonder how he's doing, and if he's happy in his new home.

I've reached that point in the run of Pavilion where I have to start thinking about getting back to New York City and finding a place to stay. Not entirely sure what I'm going to do about that. I haven't heard from Katherine in a while, but truth be told I haven't pushed that issue, since I don't have the money for an apartment yet anyway.

I don't know what it is, but there's something about sitting here in Washington Square that allows me to focus on the things that I need to focus on - the things I would otherwise let slip because they're too hard to think about. I'm very close to something, I think, though I'm not entirely sure what it is. Just trying to remain open and on my toes, metaphorically.

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