03 December 2001

Delerium Tremens

Well, I'm in living hell, and suffering delirium tremens. I've been in the apartment since Saturday night and there's no phone service yet, so I'm suffering from a hideous withdrawal. Jesse met me here Saturday night and got me settled in - he'd come in over the weekend to await the arrival of his new bed (which turned out to be too large for the frame that the sublettee's had told him was a queen-sized one), and that's when he broke the news that his roommate, Maya, was supposed to be taking care of the telephone service hookup.

But Maya, who I've met and seems very nice, is trying to move her own crap in while at the same time trying to prepare for a trip to Canada to visit her family for the holidays, and between bouncing back & forth between here and Philadelphia, hasn't had much of a chance to get any phone stuff done. And it's beginning to look like she's not gonna get much of a chance to do it before this weekend. I can't tell you the last time I had to go without an internet connection for over a week. I'm having night sweats.

The bright spot is that I've gotten a lot of writing done. The pope screenplay has been stalled for quite a while, and I dragged it out, dusted it off, and tinkered with it a little, but didn't make a whole lot of progress. However, there's another piece that's been taunting me for almost a year now, and I've been running from it 'cuz I knew that it would be not just hard to write but painful in a personal sense. Well, I've started into it, and so far, I like what's happening with it.

I'm not gonna describe it any more than that, except to say that my family may hate me when it's finished. It's that personal. I mean, it's fictionalized, but the degree to which it's based on fact, and the parts that are fictionalized, might hurt my family. But I can't worry about that right now - I have to write the thing, and then decide what to do with it once it's done. If I need to, I can alter it in later drafts to make it less about my family, but for now, I have to try to get it down.

Oh, and I just got off the phone with Gary Klein, the director of Father Figure, the showcase show I'm doing in Pittsburgh in January. The final details have been attended, and it looks like it's all going to work out. I've got to find some work soon, though, or I'm not going to have money for rent when the end of the month comes.

That's a big worry for me. But I guess it's not like I don't always have something to worry about, huh?

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