12 December 2001

In a Holding Pattern

Life continues apace, though there's not much happening here in New York City - 'specially for a guy on a budget. I have a callback for Fuddy Meers at City Theatre on Friday... my first audition ever for City Theatre that isn't in Pittsburgh. That's kinda exciting.

I had dinner last night with David... our second date. It was really nice. We went to a restaurant down in Chelsea called (if I'm remembering this correctly) Buona Sera - but I think I got that wrong. In any case, it was really good. Afterward, we went for drinks at a bar called Candella, which was lit by candles and featured lotsa heavy wood furniture. He's a very sweet guy, and pretty smart, too. Smarter, I think, than he gives himself credit for. He's very opinionated, too, which I like, for now. All in all, a pretty fine evening.

I haven't heard back yet from Jeff's agent friend, but it's all well & good, since I still don't have the voice demo complete. Amy and Rob have been hit with a lot of work at their studio, and since they're doing it gratis, I'm hardly in a position to complain, right? Right. Hopefully they'll have a chance to get it done before I fly back from Pittsburgh on Tuesday night. That would be sweet.

Other than that, not a whole is going on in my life. The temp agencies are reluctant to put me on assignments when they know I have to miss two days next week, so hopefully when I get back from Pittsburgh that stuff will go great guns... wish me luck!

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