11 April 2002

If You Can't Say Something Nice...

The world, my friends, is filled with infinite variety, and not all of it is good.

I haven't actually written here in a while, mostly because I've been writing things about the three dates I've had recently, and it's not all stuff I want to share with the world - so I've been writing in my non-cyber journal. Which is kinda completely against the whole "I'm going to expose what I'm thinking to the whole world" ethos I've been living by in these entries for the last three years, but then again, sometimes the names have to be changed to protect the innocent, as it were. And, frankly, my mother doesn't need to read about my sexual escapades and failures, either.

Though to be honest, I'm not sure my mother reads this journal. She's never suggested that she does, despite many reminders that it's here. And she's always bitching that I don't keep her updated on my life. Hmmmm.... I'm guessing she doesn't.

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