11 September 2002

Drunk Dialing Via Time Warp

Did you ever really think about how funny you must look to other people when you've been drinking? I just came across a little note I'd recorded to myself on my digital audio recorder way back on August 17th, and man, was I knackered! I had just spent an evening imbibing, I'm sure, with the cast of Aristocrats, and was sitting on Carson Street on Pittsburgh's South Side, waiting for a bus to come along and whisk me to a connecting bus downtown.

It was 2:50 in the morning, so clearly the busses weren't running very often, and I had a lot of time to sit around and think about just how goofy I must look, sitting there all drunk and waiting for a bus. I'm nothing if not self-aware, my friends.

In my own inimitable fashion, I had decided (at least according to what I said in my recorded note) that I was holding it together really well, and managing - for the most part - not to make an utter ass out of myself.

It's only as I'm sitting here writing this entry that I can look back at that and say with near certainty that I was probably being really generous. And I wonder if the people who were out on the streets passing me by (admittedly, there wouldn't have been that many of them at 2:50 in the morning) were enjoying my being a drunken boob as much as I'm enjoying how much I think they might have enjoyed it?

That's the thing about being self-aware; it doesn't leave much room for taking yourself seriously.

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