30 August 2004

Lunch is Just Lunch

It's important for me to remember that sometimes, lunch is just lunch.

I'm a bit of a closet horn dog, in that when I see a guy to whom I'm attracted, I start trying to make eye contact, trying to suss him out.  There are a couple of problems inherent in this hormonally-dominated approach.

First, not every man I find attractive is gay.  In fact, a rather significant portion of them aren't.   Hmm... somehow I'm sure that speaks volumes about my fear of rejection.

Second, sometimes, a lunch is just a lunch.  Sometimes, even if a guy is gay, maybe he just wants to sit down and have a bite to eat without some horn dog making goo goo eyes at him.

Or maybe I'm just projecting.

I was walking along Race Street in Philadelphia and saw a car backing into a parking space.  On the bumper was a Bush/Cheney '04 sticker, and I was taken aback by how angry and hostile toward the driver that made me.

Which is what I think is mostly wrong with this country.  Everything's polarized.  The whole "you're with us or you're against us" mentality.  I have to keep reminding myself that not all Republicans are hateful.  Some my disagree with me on issues, but they're not the hateful right-wingers who've torn the party and the nation apart.

And you know what?  Those people would accuse people like me of tearing the nation apart because I'm not hewing to the same values they hold.

Thank god I'm not in New York for this convention.

By the way... someone wrote me asking what the script  in my separator bar says.  Actually, a couple of people.  One random doofus actually suggested that I was un-American for using an Arab font.

So just to clear things up, the font is something I found on the 'net, and it's called "Tengwar Gandalf."  It's the freakin' alphabet from The Lord of the Rings, people!  The text is a quote from Abigail Adams, in a letter to her husband John in 1774 and reads, "We have too many high sounding words, and too few actions that correspond with them."

And by the way, to the person who suggested that it was un-American to use an Arab font:

On behalf of Selma Hayek, Casey Kasem, Doug Flutie, Ralph Nader (who I'm including even though I'd like to kick his ass for screwing up the 2000 election), Paula Abdul, and Spencer Abraham, all of whom are patriotic Arab Americans:  Fuck off, you pinheaded moron.

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