16 February 2006

Swag. Booty. Haul. Treasure.

For a guy who doesn't actually work for The Corporate Giant, I do pretty darn well. Granted, I make temp's wages -- and not even temp's wages near the top of the range I'm used to -- but still, I do okay.

Especially when it comes to perks, as has been previously noted.

Having gifts heaped upon you can tend to blind you to the fact that the gift-giver is, in the words of the Evil Financier, a money-wasting Conglomerate, but what the hell; I've accepted gifts from shady characters before.

What's inspired all this is that, recently, there were some spare copies of movies laying around the office, and one of my colleagues gave them to me, so I've been having a little Tim Burton film festival at home this week.

I really like Tim Burton's work, even though much of the time I feel just as creeped-out as I do amused by his visuals. He weirdly scares me on some sort of subliminal level, and I'm not entirely sure I forgive him for The Monkey Movie. But still, I find his oddball heroes affecting, and I invariably end up rooting for them and getting pulled into the worlds he creates.

Early this week, I got to see his version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which has sent several of my friends -- rabid fans of the Gene Wilder Willy Wonka all -- into frothing, spittle-slinging hate seizures, but you know what? I really liked it. It hewed more closely to the tone of the book, I thought. But hey, color me crazy. I really enjoyed Deep Roy's oompa loompas. That man deserves a hardest-working-man-in-show-business award or something.

I also got to watch Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, which I also enjoyed, though not, I think, as much as A Nightmare Before Christmas. I love his stop-motion stuff, and if it weren't for him and Nick Park & pals, it'd be a lost art, one suspects. Then again, I know nothing about the state of stop-motion animation, so I should probably just keep my trap shut. Hopefully it's not going the way of hand-drawn animation.

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