22 April 2006

Inappropriate Crushes #512 & 513

I know it's just wrong for me to be crushin on a 23 year-old guy, but there's just no getting around it. I do. I am. Whatever.

The guy in question is Graham Ackerman, an NCAA gymnast who just happens to have had the courage to come out while still competing. And he's a two-time champion. Go Graham.

Anyway, he's gotten a lot of national gay press. I guess that shouldn't be a big surprise. Not a lot of college athletes are out, especially competing at his level.

So there you have it.

It doesn't hurt that he's got this whole hot-nerd thing going on. I'm tres fond of the hot nerd. The hot nerd, in my weltanschauung, is right up there with the pocket gay. I'm just saying.

I've always had a bit of a thing for gymnasts. They're usually short, which is a good thing (see above), and they're awfully close, body-wise, to wrestlers. And, well, without going into too much detail, let's just say that some of my formative experiences revolve around wrestlers and wrestling.

So I have an inappropriate crush on a youngster. Look on the bright side. I could be a stalker!

Speaking of people I could consider stalking (were we even talking about that?), I came across pictures of former World Aerobics Champion Nick Beyeler recently (courtesy of the ever-entertaining Scott-O-Rama), and have decided he might be -- if we're having pie-in-the-sky wishes, here - the ultimate "don't ever leave me alone in a room with him and expect me to remain faithful" guy.

Not unlike a certain friend of Ken's, this guy is pretty much genetically engineered to drive me mad. Thankfully, I've grown enough as a human to know that I would very likely not elicit a corresponding reaction were we to ever meet, so I can just kinda look happily and move on. Still. Wicked hot. Yowza.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey- Thanks for the shout-out!

Great blog you have here.