17 August 2006

Two Nice, or, Too Nice²

I don't know about where you come from, but in the circles in which I run, it's a blessed rarity to meet a person who's smart, funny and nice, but the kind of nice that seems not to have a mean bone in its body. Something to do with being in a business full of vain, venal people who're more concerned with people thinking they're nice than actually being nice.

That's of course, a gross generalization, but gross generalizations often ring true because there's more than just a kernal of truth about them.

Anyway, I've had the occasion to meet two such people in the last couple of years. Upon reflection, I'd be willing to bet that they actually do have mean bones in their bodies. They're just the kind of people who were raised to use their powers of righteous anger for good. Admirable.

Worse yet, they're both beautiful.

Anyway, they got married. The babies will be ridonkulously attractive.

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