08 November 2007

Book Fare

Have you ever read a book and found yourself having several thoughts about it, all at once?

"God. This is depressing."

"I hate what's happening to these people."

"He did not just step on that and then pick it up and eat it."

"Jesus, what's going to happen next?!?"

This is one such book. I've avoided reading The Road 'cuz it just sounded too fucking depressing to be borne, but I recently finished Thunderstruck (another excellent read, though of the nonfiction variety), and it was sitting there on my desk, staring at me resentfully, so I decided I'd pick it up and ignore my latest New York magazine in favor of some decidedly heavier train reading.

I'm here to tell you: Read this book. I can't put it down.

I'm kinda resentful that I have to go to work; it's interrupting my reading. Hell, right now you're interrupting my reading.

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