16 January 2001

Good news, sports fans! I just found out today that the next volume in Tad Williams series Otherland is scheduled for release in April!!! I got a look at the cover at amazon.com, and it's clearly printed on the book jacket that this is the final volume! Whoo hoo! I love Tad Williams if for no other reason than he's not being like Robert Jordon (9 and counting) and George R.R. Martin (3 and counting) and dragging his epic story out over a billion books. So this one's going to be the end of it which is bittersweet news, as far as I'm concerned. Check the whole thing out at amazon.com!

Buster went to PetSmart today to be groomed. He was pretty excited when he realized we were leaving the house and getting into the car, and was just a freak while we drove there - I think it had something to do with his having to pee pretty badly... but it's hard to know with him. He often gets ultra excited and whines during an entire car trip, then has no doggie-business to transact when I let him out and want him to go to it. But today, when we got to PetSmart, I took him off to a corner of the parking lot so's he would have a little privacy, and wham he let loose with a relief stream that woulda drowned an ant farm. Was that a little more info than you needed? Oh well, sometimes you get our lives, warts and all. Anyway, when I dropped him at the grooming section, his pleasure at our adventure was decidedly soured when he realized I wasn't hanging around for the whole thing. He was awfully happy to see me when I picked him up, but strangely subdued, and fell asleep in the car on the way home. That never happens. And when we got home, he simply collapsed onto "his" chair and hasn't moved from it since. He was so cute and adorable and downright clean that I figured I'd better capture it for posterity (did I spell that correctly?). So give him a click to see the larger version.

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