20 February 2001


Boy, am I tired!!! I left Pittsburgh this morning at about 7:30 a.m. and got back into Philadelphia around 12:40 p.m. The ride was uneventful, thank the Universe! My drive into Pittsburgh on Sunday night started, as I had suspected, at 10:00 p.m., and I got into Chateau PamerSchulz at 3 a.m., but not before getting a speeding ticket on the Pennsylvania Turnpike! A state trooper clocked me doing 75 miles per hour in a 65 mph zone. I half suspect that he woulda let me off the hook had he not been either (a) a trooper-in-training or (b) on a ride-along with his supervisor, since he wasn't alone in the car. Oh well, at least it woke me up, right?

I got to lounge around all day with Buster, who is as cute as ever. I'm beginning to wonder about this dog, though. He's very nervous and really in need of attention - very, very whiny if one of his alpha dogs (Gavan or I) aren't around. It probably threw him that I had disappeared for a couple weeks, and then showed up again out of nowhere in the middle of the night. He surely was excited to see me. I think he had probably just begun to get used to the idea of Gavan being his alpha and then I disrupted that by coming back and spending a whole day with him. Poor puppy!

Oh, and by the way, how's this for the irony quotient for today: One of the reasons I went back to Pittsburgh (in addition to the opportunity to see Gavan and the puppy, of course) was to get the installation file for Paint Shop Pro® so that I could load it on my laptop and download pictures from the digital camera, right? Alas, dear reader, nothing is ever allowed to be easy. Totally please with myself, I burned the file onto a blank CD after figuring out how to work my computer's CD burner, and proceeded to download all the pictures from the camera and copy them onto a CD as well. I was just a CD burnin' fool. Well, I got the whole shebang back to Philadelphia, settled in at the laptop, popped in the CD into the drive... and discovered that (apparently) this version of Windows just doesn't deal well with the new writable CDs. Either that or I screwed up in burning these CDs. In either case, I'm still screwed. Guess I'm not so clever as I thought I was by half, eh? The plan now is to wait 'til the roommates go to bed this evening and then go online and download the evaluation version of PSP, and use that while I'm in Philly. It'll end up taking three or four hours, but what're you gonna do?

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