...I am an online-shopping addict. I admit it. There's no denying it. I went on a spree today at amazon.com.
For some reason, over the last couple of days, I've been thinking a lot about this book that I read years and years ago, called When Worlds Collide. It was this science fiction epic that was written, amazingly enough, during the 1930's, and as a child, I had an edition that had been reprinted in the 1950's. To this day, I have no idea how I came by this book, or where along the journey of my life I managed to lose it, but it was two books in one: When Worlds Collide, and its sequel, After Worlds Collide. Between them, the two books describe an effort to save a remnant of humanity when a rogue planet appears in the night sky, on a collision course with Earth - remember, this is over 60 years before either Armageddon or Deep Impact.
Anyway, as I've said, I've been thinking nostalgically about that book, and how I wish I still had it, so I could pull it off the shelf and re-read it one more time, but it's been gone for years. But today in the dressing room, Charlie Antalosky was talking about a difficult-to-find book for which he'd been searching for some time, and had found on amazon. Which, of course, got my brain rolling. So I logged onto Amazon.com, and guess what? I found When Worlds Collide and ordered it. I wanted to order After Worlds Collide too, but it's out of print. Amazon's "zShops" service had a copy of it, but they wanted $155.00 for it. I don't want to read After Worlds Collide that badly.
Being me, of course, I couldn't end the shopping there. I remembered hearing that the TV miniseries Frank Herbert's Dune had been released on DVD, and since I'd missed it, but had heard good things about it, I looked it up and (you guessed it) found it, and ordered it. I'm looking forward to seeing it. Though I'll be loathe to admit it, since I've spent the money on it, I'll let you know if it sucks. As I've said, I've talked to people who liked it a lot - but boy it seems like it would be hard to do Frank Herbert's book justice. I'm in the minority of people who hated David Lynch's movie version. So here's hoping.
"So," you say to yourself, "he's satisfied his shopping urge and ordered a DVD and a book.... that's not so bad." Well, you'd be right... if I had stopped there! Guess what else is out on DVD?
Yes, my friends, I bought the first two Pink Panther movies! A Shot in the Dark and The Pink Panther. Both are favorites, but I think that A Shot in the Dark may quite possibly be one of my all time favorite movies. Although the car chase scene in the first movie is one of my favorite moments on film, period.
So there you have it... that's about the end of the grevious harm that I've done to my pocketbook today. Tune in tomorrow for more of my further adventures in bankruptcy.
Anyway, as I've said, I've been thinking nostalgically about that book, and how I wish I still had it, so I could pull it off the shelf and re-read it one more time, but it's been gone for years. But today in the dressing room, Charlie Antalosky was talking about a difficult-to-find book for which he'd been searching for some time, and had found on amazon. Which, of course, got my brain rolling. So I logged onto Amazon.com, and guess what? I found When Worlds Collide and ordered it. I wanted to order After Worlds Collide too, but it's out of print. Amazon's "zShops" service had a copy of it, but they wanted $155.00 for it. I don't want to read After Worlds Collide that badly.
"So," you say to yourself, "he's satisfied his shopping urge and ordered a DVD and a book.... that's not so bad." Well, you'd be right... if I had stopped there! Guess what else is out on DVD?
Yes, my friends, I bought the first two Pink Panther movies! A Shot in the Dark and The Pink Panther. Both are favorites, but I think that A Shot in the Dark may quite possibly be one of my all time favorite movies. Although the car chase scene in the first movie is one of my favorite moments on film, period.
So there you have it... that's about the end of the grevious harm that I've done to my pocketbook today. Tune in tomorrow for more of my further adventures in bankruptcy.
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