Youssef had just picked up his new headshots and was going to meet his friend Luis for lunch. You may also remember Luis from the online journal - I don't think I had posted any pictures of him, but he visited Actor Housing Central while we were in Philadlephia. Here's one from the cast party at Aaron Posner's house that I don't think I posted before... maybe I did.
So that was nice.
The eye appointment went well. I had my first eye exam in something on the order of six or seven years. That's what leaving corporate america and giving up your kick-ass health insurance will get you, my friends. Well, I've had insurance though Actors' Equity now for a while, so I decided to take advantage of the benefits and get myself the pair of glasses to which I'm entitled every two years.
I got the referral through the Davis Vision website, and have to say I was pretty pleased with the result. My new doctor, Dr. Rifat S. Jaffer is the cute little woman who is (frighteningly) pretty young-seeming. She's hip and easy to talk to - an easy rapport with me. I lost my old reading glasses ages ago, so she had nothing to compare to, but I'm suspecting that my prescription hasn't changed significantly in all these years. I don't need glasses for anything but reading, though I tend to think that the need for reading glasses my be stronger than it used to be. I was surprised at how hard I had to work to read some of the stuff on the eye charts.
Alas, while the Davis Vision plan covers pretty much everything involved in the whole eye-exam, including that wacky dialation of the pupils that they do, it requires that you choose your frames from the Davis Vision "collection." Not terribly trendy, friends. Not that I'm a slave to fashion, but I'm a slave to fashion. More than once I've been heard to utter the old "champagne tastes on a beer income" epithet. Unfortunately, were I to choose some of the frames in which I was really interested, ol' Davis Vision would only have provided $30 toward their purchase. And the frames I was looking at were in the $240 - $260 range. Not in the budget, I'm afraid. So I got the faux-designer frames, and I'm HAPPY about it. Did you believe me?
Really, I can't complain too much. The cheapo frames I did get are actually kinda cool, and have a lot of the features the others do. And jeez, I'm only going to be using them for sitting in front of the computer and reading books. Not like I have to impress anyone in those situations.
I'm so vain, I probably think this song is about me.
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