20 November 2001

Hello. Again. Hello.

Hello again. It's been a while since I've sat down to write here. It's amazing to me how quickly time seems to pass, sometimes. I just don't seem to see it go by, and I wonder what I've achieved. I'm sure a lot of people feel that way. When I was doing the show in Philadelphia, someone asked me to explain this metaphor of finding yourself alive in the middle of life, and I explained it using a story from my college days. I used to drive an hour to college in the morning, and after a couple years of doing that, I could have made that drive in my sleep. Often, I would go on auto-pilot and suddenly find myself ready to pull in to the parking lot at school and think to myself, "How the fuck did I get here?" That's how I've been feeling lately - as though I keep snapping to and finding that I've been on auto-pilot. And I wonder where that comes from.

I keep finding myself amazed that I'm in Pittsburgh and the time is fast approaching when I've got to leave once again. I should stop getting sentimental over leaving this place, shouldn't I? I keep coming back!

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