All in all, a rather satisfying day. Remarkably so, considering that absolutely nothing of import happened to me today. All I did was get up early (painfully so - more on that later), and go off to work. Thankfully, I've been given a temp assignment that's gonna last through the end of next week. I'm working for an architectural firm's engineering department. They were in need of someone to help with a Microsoft Access database, it seems. Lotsa data entry, lotsa calling vendors to confirm that information's not gone out of date. A little report writing. In no way thrilling or riveting stuff, but it's a job, and it's gonna help me pay my rent this month, which is always a good thing.
As a special treat, the universe arranged for the clouds to clear away a bit and show a patch of blue sky against which the clouds glowed pink as the sun went down. It really was a stunningly beautiful day to be ejected into. I guess I should say "evening," since it was around 5 p.m.
I've been feeling under the weather lately, so I elected to come straight home and settle in for the night. I made myself a nice turkey sandwich, glass of soda, and a handful of Terra Red Bliss Olive Oil, Sun-Dried Tomatoes & Balsamic Vinegar Potato Chips™, and settled down with Jesse to watch a little TV.
Did I tell you that Jesse's back? Well, he is. He and Maya have very graciously invited me to stay on through February while I look for a new place, so I cleaned a path in the Scary Bedroom® to the loft bed and have been sacking out in there. I miss that damn TV in Jesse's room, but I'll get over it, and I'll probably get a lot more sleep nights without that damn thing to temp me.

So here's a picture of Jesse from one of the parties for Picasso at the Lapin Agile at The Arden early last year. Now that I see this picture again (I haven't looked at it in quite a while), it seems to me that he's lost a lot of weight since then. Or maybe he's really been working out. Not sure which. Anyway, thanks again Jesse!
So last night, after I'd cleared a bit of space in the Scary Bedroom®, I plugged in my clock, set the time, set the alarms (yes, my clock has two of 'em), and crawled into bed. This morning, the alarm went off (I set the first one for "wake to music," and it played for three whole minutes before I realized that it was the alarm, and my dream of Jewel serenading me was not founded in reality), and I dragged ass out of bed, showered, shaved, shat, dressed and rushed out the door. I got to the subway station just as the "Q" train was pulling up, and hopped on, all the while thinking that I should take the "Q" more often, as it was less crowded than the 1/2 or 4/5 trains. I got to the office and cheerily greeted the receptionist as she was settling in and blearily rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. I got to my desk and realized that the office seemed kinda empty... I knew that this place had flex hours, but it seemed to me that someone should be there, as close as it was to 9 a.m.
And that's when I thought to look at my watch for the first time. It wasn't approaching 9 a.m. It was approaching 8 a.m. I had accidently set my alarm clock an hour ahead, and never even noticed.
I'm totally on crack, you guys.
As a special treat, the universe arranged for the clouds to clear away a bit and show a patch of blue sky against which the clouds glowed pink as the sun went down. It really was a stunningly beautiful day to be ejected into. I guess I should say "evening," since it was around 5 p.m.
I've been feeling under the weather lately, so I elected to come straight home and settle in for the night. I made myself a nice turkey sandwich, glass of soda, and a handful of Terra Red Bliss Olive Oil, Sun-Dried Tomatoes & Balsamic Vinegar Potato Chips™, and settled down with Jesse to watch a little TV.
Did I tell you that Jesse's back? Well, he is. He and Maya have very graciously invited me to stay on through February while I look for a new place, so I cleaned a path in the Scary Bedroom® to the loft bed and have been sacking out in there. I miss that damn TV in Jesse's room, but I'll get over it, and I'll probably get a lot more sleep nights without that damn thing to temp me.

So last night, after I'd cleared a bit of space in the Scary Bedroom®, I plugged in my clock, set the time, set the alarms (yes, my clock has two of 'em), and crawled into bed. This morning, the alarm went off (I set the first one for "wake to music," and it played for three whole minutes before I realized that it was the alarm, and my dream of Jewel serenading me was not founded in reality), and I dragged ass out of bed, showered, shaved, shat, dressed and rushed out the door. I got to the subway station just as the "Q" train was pulling up, and hopped on, all the while thinking that I should take the "Q" more often, as it was less crowded than the 1/2 or 4/5 trains. I got to the office and cheerily greeted the receptionist as she was settling in and blearily rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. I got to my desk and realized that the office seemed kinda empty... I knew that this place had flex hours, but it seemed to me that someone should be there, as close as it was to 9 a.m.
And that's when I thought to look at my watch for the first time. It wasn't approaching 9 a.m. It was approaching 8 a.m. I had accidently set my alarm clock an hour ahead, and never even noticed.
I'm totally on crack, you guys.
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