08 February 2002

Weepie Me

Okay, I'm the kind of guy who cries at Hallmark® card commercial, so it shouldn't be a big surprise to anyone, least of all me that I got all teary-eyed as I was sitting here watching the the opening of the Olympics. Hell, they hadn't even gotten to the opening ceremony - I was tearing up at the damn opening panoramic montage!

And seeing the Andorran team waving American flags almost made me weep like a child.

You know what struck me most about watching the parade of nations, though? How young all those atheletes looked to me. I know all that crap about you're only as old as you feel, but boy oh boy did I feel old watching all those young, fit, bouyant men and women - and they were so excited to be there. Wonderful. I just looked it up... Jason Bloom, one of the skiers, was born two months before I graduated high school. How's that for feeling old?


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