16 August 2002

I was working on my project for Gordon the other day, and got finished early. Rather than going home to Bellevue and vegging in front of a TV for the afternoon, I went immediatetly to the South Side and sat down at Tuscany. Hence the horrifically long entry from Wednesday.

Not long after I came in Mike, one of the guys who works the counter there also arrived for his morning (well, it was morning to him - it was actually something like 2 p.m.) coffee, and we started chatting. And we ended up sitting there talking for nearly four hours.

He's a sweet guy - very funny, and I enjoyed talking to him a lot; I got to know a lot about him. The most striking thing he said, though, has stuck with me... we were on the subject of relationships and how you tend to compare the one you're currently in with the ones in the past, and he said something that struck me. He's got this philosophy that he tries to keep in mind, and it's very simple: "Be here now."

It's a pretty clever way, I think, of reminding himself to not focus so much on comparisons, but to just let past life experience sink in and be a part of him without overtaking his current experience. Pretty wise for a young guy. Well, he's actually 26, so he's not that young, but compared to me, he is!

Anyway, I've got "Be here now" on my computer's desktop now - as my wallpaper. It's a clever confirmation for me of all the things that I've tried to believe and often failed at. Something very important.

You remember I told you about the homeless guy trying to extort me for money? Well, after shooting one of the pictures of the building, but before the attempted extortion could begin, I turned around to get something out of my bag and saw this sign in the window of the shop there. I was a little taken aback. First 'cuz I didn't know it was, in fact, an "adult merchandise" shop, and second 'cuz I had no idea that women were a big marketing segment for them.

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