23 October 2002

I decided to wait out the rush hour at Starbucks, and try to get a little journalizing in. Discovered, however, that I left the power cord for my computer at home when I packed up my bag this morning, so I'm limited to how long the battery lasts me; maybe an hour, maybe an hour and a half.


Anyway, I found out today that I'm a fugitive from justice, and didn't even know it. Apparently, when I got that ticket way back during the run of Picasso at the Lapin Agile, I didn't pay it quickly enough, so the State of Pennsylvania suspended my license for 10 days, and I didn't realize it. Well, since I didn't submit the form and surrender my license for the ten days, it's never been served, and so now that's keeping me from renewing that license. Even worse, it's keeping me from getting my license transferred over from PA to NY state.

I spent 1½ hours at the NY state DMV today, just to find that out at the end of the whole process. So now I've downloaded the correct form from the PA website, tonight I'll write them a check and tomorrow I'll mail it. Then, I get to wait 7-10 days while they process it (even though, given the US postal system, they'll likely have it in three), then I have to wait the ten days suspension out, then it'll take them another 7 - 10 days to issue a "clearance letter" that I can take to the DMV here to show I'm properly penitent and have paid my debt to society.

Three weeks 'til I can get a new license. Yah-tiddly-fucking-hoo.

Its' my own fault, of course, but boy that doesn't make one less peeved when something silly like this happens, does it? Not so much.

The last couple of days in New York have just been incredibly lovely. The temperature's not been too cold, but it's been anything but warm. I'd guess that it's been hovering in the high fifties? Very comfortable.
I'm noticing the chief downside of having the day-to-day job again: I don't get outside very often, which is disturbing, given how much I love being outside in general, and in Central park in particular. I'm particularly afraid that I'm going to miss out on the leaves changing in Central Park; that would be a terrible shame. I would really like the chance to photograph the change of seasons in the park.

I need to make a note to check the weather for the weekend. Kevin Lageman's graduation class from his Upright Citizens' Brigade training has been rescheduled, so this Saturday morning is free for me. A leaf-peeping expedition might be in order for the daylight hours. I wonder if maybe Kevin and Kirsten would enjoy accompanying me on that... I'll have to ask them.

I got out of the subway and went the wrong direction this morning, on my way to the DMV, and suddenly found myself at the foot of the Empire State Building. Yet another landmark I've not photographed, or in this case, from which I've not photographed.
I'm feeling the limitations of my camera more and more these days (although I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised by the images I caught of Jay & Lissa and the Duke Gardens in Durham. They came out more clear and sharp than any I'd taken in a while. I wonder if I've been doing something wrong lately and not knowing it? Or more correctly, maybe I did something right this time and didn't realize it.

While I was in Durham Jay, who is a bit of a photographer himself (real black and white film, yo!) gave me two shots that he'd taken during Aristocrats. One of me and one of Colleen Delany. They're both really lovely shots, and I'm gonna have them framed. Of course, the only thing I can see in the shot of me is that I'm looking down and so look like I have a double chin. I'm way too critical of my own appearance.

Vanity, thy name is Giuseppe.

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