14 February 2005

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day.

Boy, this is not a day on which I enjoy being single. Lately, though, there haven't been many days on which I enjoy being single. It's not a line of thinking I should really be pursuing. It leads to places that are just plain depressing.

And so I'm not.

Actually, I've been thinking that I have a lot to be thankful for, lately. Not necessarily romance-wise, but eh, that shit'll sort itself out eventually. Or it won't. In any case, I can still focus on making myself happy and maybe that'll be a magnet to prince charming, whereever he is.

No, lately I 've been thinking that my life is slowly getting back on track. Money-wise. And now that I'm not swimming in the black hole of depression I've been much better about staying in touch with my friends, so I'm being a lot more social. And I've been getting out more, and getting a little exercise. Hopefully that trend will snowball.

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