20 July 2007

On Trepidation

I've got a long weekend furlough from The Velvet Prison to go home for my twenty-fifth high school reunion.

The idea that I've been out of high school for twenty-five years is, somehow, deeply disturbing. It kinda derails the obviously-baseless-but-ever-so-hard-to-dispel idea I have of myself as the perpetual 23 year-old. Well, that and the fact that I ache like such a freak after an 8½-mile bike ride.

Did I mention that I bought a new bike last weekend and I've started biking to work again? Yeah. I did.

I went with the recommendation of a dear friend and went to On the Move Bike Shop in Park Slope. I got a pretty good deal on a Giant Cypress, but I especially liked how the knowledgeable sales staff helped me pick out the right bike for me right now. I haven't had the best of luck with that sorta thing, so I'm glad that it worked out.

Anyway, I'm not twenty-three anymore, which sucks, but is also kinda great. I was a bit of a dipshit at twenty-three, as I suspect most twenty-three year-olds are, so I'm glad that I'm past that.

There are, of course, those who would argue that I'm every bit the dipshit now that I may have been when I was twenty-three, but we'll skip that for now.

So I'm heading out for a big adventure. I'm going to be seeing people I literally haven't seen in twenty-five years. I wonder how many of my classmates will be there?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck. I have a hard time remembering you're not 23 too. Though that puts me at 16, and I'm clearly not that.