So the New Years Eve celebration rocked. We had some fabulous friends over, and I cooked a huge pot of my world famous Burn Your Butt Cajun Red Sauce®, and some folks brought appetizers & desserts, and we had a grand old time.
As I was a little busy early on in the evening, I didn't think to drag out the camera until after some of our guests had to leave to go to previous committments - but here's a cross section of the cool folks who joined us:
You may recognize Toni Schlemmer from my Friends page (no, not a web-page devoted to the show of the same name, but a web-page devoted to my actual friends!).
She came and in addition to her sparkling personality and some kick-ass pies for dessert, she brought me a fabulous christmas gift - a set of really cool wine glasses and some cloth cocktail napkins. You know how we bachelors are - we never had that kinda stuff. Here's Toni giving me "The Face" in the kitchen. I had but to turn around and face the other direction to capture her beau, Brendon at the dining-room table, happily munching on a slice of pumpkin pie...
We were also joined by our old friend Joe Pedulla... in yet another tale of the synchronicity of our pre-meeting lives, Gavan & I both knew Joe before we knew each other. Just like we both knew Toni Schlemmer before ever meeting, or we both knew Kathy Lash-Fuller before meeting... the list goes on and on. Anyway, Joe was in for the holidays to visit his family, and decided spend the evening with us. It was great fun. Joe used to date someone I'ved worked with a great deal over the years, so we'd see a lot of each other - at least 'til he moved to New York City a few years ago. Now I only see him when he's back in town for brief visits, or if he's in town doing a show. Here's a lovely little picture of him reclined in our arm-chair. Looking as FABulous as ever!
Of course, the evening would not be complete unless we were joined by Doug Rees & Janet Dickinson. Having survived the my Thanksgiving Day attempt to poison them with Turkey, they stalwartly returned for more culinary abuse, and rang in the New Year with us... check out this picture, and tell me seriously, could they BE a cuter couple? I don't think so. Notice, in the picture, that the settee they're sitting on is covered by a big ol' blanket? Look just to the left of Janet's fine-ass shapely calves and molto attractive boots and you'll see the reason why. The poor old thing just couldn't handle the strain of a certain Demon Beagle who likes to nest on it. I have no idea how old the material covering that seat is, but boy, the writing's on the wall for it! We need to have that piece re-covered... it's so beautiful, I don't see how we can't.
And lastly, among the lucky folks I was quick enough to catch with my handy digital camera, are two of my favorite people in the whole world: Steve and Angela Bloomquist! I met Angela through Gavan, as they've worked together frequently over the years, and I met Steve, obviously, through Angela! If Rees/Dickinson have competition for the Cutest Couple in the World® title, it would have to be Angela & Steve. Angela's a school psychologist for a local school district, and I'll be damned if I know what Steve does! We've never discussed it (and it's only just occurring to me now to ask why.... hmmmm). I know Steve better for his extra-cirricular activities than for his work life. Steve's big into lodge activities... I'm not allowed to discuss them or I'll be hunted down by a secret brotherhood wearing purple lingerie. That may be saying too much as it is. Anyway, here's a picture of Steve & Angela... and by the way, you'll be able to see Angela as The Narrator in Pittsburgh Musical Theater's production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, which is being directed by, who else, Gavan!
Oh, and I couldn't let the new year celebration go by without a quick snap of Buster, enjoying all of the new friends he made on New Years Eve! So here he is with his best friend of the evening, Doug Rees:
As I was a little busy early on in the evening, I didn't think to drag out the camera until after some of our guests had to leave to go to previous committments - but here's a cross section of the cool folks who joined us:
Oh, and I couldn't let the new year celebration go by without a quick snap of Buster, enjoying all of the new friends he made on New Years Eve! So here he is with his best friend of the evening, Doug Rees:
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