Well, dear friends, I heard from the Arden Theatre today, and they've kindly offered me the role of Einstein in Picasso at the Lapin Agile. I have to admit to being a bit taken aback... I didn't really expect much to come of the audition. The gods of Comedy & Tragedy have smiled upon me, and so thus endeth the long dry spell of not working. I can't believe it's been since the end of October since I've been in a show. That kind of a long lay off is hard for me to take - especially considering the year I just had! I didn't stop working from December of 1999 through to the end of October 2K! That's frankly a pretty damn good run.
So I celebrated my good fortune by treating myself to dinner & a movie with my pal Nick Ruggeri. We drove out to the new Loew's Waterfront cinema to see
Cast Away, with Tom Hanks, and I have to say that I enjoyed it a lot. A little predictable, but I always enjoy Tom Hanks, and even some of the cheesy stuff he's asked to do is a lot more palatable because it's him doing it. And I frankly love the relationship he develops with the volleyball. If that's greek to you, go see the damn movie. Dinner was delicious... we went to the Cap City Diner across from the theater, and I had a Romano Crusted Chicken that was really tasty!

So I finally made it home around 9 p.m., and logged on to check my mail, and who should I run into but none other than my good friend Doug Rees, who informs me that a group of friends is meeting at Tuscany Cafe on Pittsburgh's South Side for a few post-show drinks. Doug appears on the right there with Lorraine Venburg, the fabulous resident costume designer at the City Theatre. Never one to want to be left out in the cold... or in during the cold.... or, well, whatever, I dragged Gavan off and met the gang for a lovely evening of cocktails! We closed the bar.
Oh - remember my big discussion of what I should do for a resolution? Well, I had decided that I would resolve to find work at least once this year in a regional theater outside of Pittsburgh. Now I have to rethink or come up with another one, since the Arden kinda fulfills that one in one fell (or should I say "swell?") swoop. Believe me... I'm not complaining.
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